Gas accident? Unknown liquid? New pandemic? Warfare agent? Nuclear hazards? Booby traps? – What to do?
Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive hazards (CBRNE hazards) exist and pose a latent threat to us.
Be prepared, even if the unlikely happens. A CBRNE event is relatively rare, but when it occurs, it can have a major impact: People die or are seriously injured, infrastructure is no longer usable, an orderly “business as usual” is no longer possible.

To counter these dangers, the following is required, among other things:

Personal protective equipment: masks, gloves, protective suits and more protect you, your employees and also family members.

Detection options: Determine that a threat is present.

Decontamination options: prevent the spread of contamination.

Safe storage containers: seal hazardous substances.

Our CBRNE Task Force provides the following:

Advice in advance on precautionary measures of a personnel, organizational and material nature.

Conducting training courses for specialists and as part of the annual health and safety briefings.

Develops organizational principles and emergency plans for you and supports you in their practical implementation.

The members of the task force have decades of experience in CBRNE protection.